Category Archives: Bruge

Bruges, Thursday, October 8, 2009

Jämsä Clearer skies than we have yet to see in Belgium started off our day.  We took the Metro to Gare du Midi and bought round-trip tickets to Bruges.  We hopped the train, arrived in Bruges in about an hour.  First … Continue reading

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Brussels, Tuesday, October 6, 2009 On our maps, we located a tourist office in Grand Place, and headed that direction.  At the tourist office, I inquired (in French) from which station do trains leave for Bruges. The agent told me that trains for Bruges left … Continue reading

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Belgium, Paris, and Brittany France

Belgium, Paris, and Brittany France The original journal is located here Complete Trip Photo Album Sunday October 4 and Monday October 5 All US flights were on time and connections made without a hitch.  When we landed in Philadelphia, we … Continue reading

Posted in Bakeries, Brittany, Bruge, Brussels, Paris, Shopping, TGV | Tagged | Leave a comment