Category Archives: Croissants

Paris 2019 – Day 3 First stop this morning La Pompadour for croissant and a pain au chocolate.  Then back to the apartment for breakfast. About 10:00 we when for our morning walk we walked southwest towards the Jardins Ranelagh, about a 10 minute walk … Continue reading

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Paris 2014, Day 21 (AM) Croissant Crawl – Finale There were three remaining bakeries on our list of the 10 Best Croissants in Paris for 2013.  We had done 3 on February 13, 2014 see the post.  To refresh we are judging on taste, exterior, interior and overall quality … Continue reading

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Paris 2014, Day 9 (Croissant Crawl – Part 1)

We are soooo… Bad, every night we say were going to go to bed early and get up early and we never do.  Last night we stayed up to watch The Descendants, a George Cluny movies about a dysfunctional family living … Continue reading

Posted in Bakeries, Croissants, Paris 15th, Paris 16th., Paris 5th | Tagged , , | Leave a comment