Haikou Product Description: Zagorski Trukli is a traditional Croatian dish that is part of the kitchen in most households around the Croatian Zagorskie

Funza and Zagreb .

Preparation of traditional dishes of Zagorski homemade strudel implies in particular the art of almost every housewife in the field of Croatian Zagorje located in Krapina-Zagorje County, and with some differences is the whole area of the central Croatian. Zagorski place is a real treasure trove of unusual delicacy by force of circumstance and poverty ingenious Zagorka preparing their large families. Soups can be prepared as a savory and sweet, I can cook and bake, and served as a soup , appetizer , dessert , main course and own a small meal. Every part of this area has its own version and its own way of preparing pie. Are prepared so that, in all versions, drawn pastry filled with cow’s cheese , with the addition of sour cream and eggs , then bends and then put the stove. In this way the pie prepared in old Zagorje households before hundreds of years, and this dish in any similar version is not known in the world. At a time when ripened vegetables , young gourds and pumpkins , it is the traditional pumpkin cake, as a version of strudel, but there are also versions of poppies and tails . Depending on the stuffing, pie called cheese pie, trukli move and strudel tail

The ratio of ingredients for the profession is as follows: mixed half and half smooth sharp flour , add warm water into which you put a littlevinegar , salt , one egg, 2 tablespoons of oil and well kneaded surfing. Foods are necessary for cheese strudel are one cheese, eggs, salt, cream, and can add a little sugar to be sweet. Everything is mixed with a fork or by hand and filled with the dough. Baking sheet is lubricated, strudel agree to baking sheet and sealed with melted butter, margarine, oil or cream.

For trulki use a cow’s milk cheese, eggs, a little salt mixed with pumpkin. Ordinary home pumpkin (round, green, and can and some other species) prior to the grater grated on noodles, salt and let stand a little. Pumpkin is drained and mixed with cheese and eggs. Further procedure is the same as for cheese strudel.

Krapina-Zagorje County and Zagorje Development Agency recognized the wealth of heritage and the desire to preserve indigenous recipes organized the event  truklijada, which every year in this pleasant end brings together a wide range of fans of this simple and recognizable Zagorje delicacies. Soups are prepared in a variety of occasions, from everyday to holiday, and to this day they remain the oldest known dish of the region, and more recently by the identification symbol.

Zagorje and the Association for the preservation and promotion of traditional Zagorje product “Tradition Zagorje”, actively cooperate in the process of obtaining regulatory and trademark protection of geographical indications of Zagorje strudel. He also initiated the process of protection of origin for pie, that process is ongoing.

Dough ingredients:

  • 400 g flour
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon oil
  • salt

Ingredients for the filling:

  • 1.2 kg of fresh cow cheese
  • 4 eggs
  • 100 g butter
  • salt
  • 1 liter of sour cream


Mix a firm dough of flour, 1 egg, oil and a little salt water. Stir until bubbles appear, then shape the dough into a ball and roll it out a bit and coat it with oil so that it doesn’t dry out and cover with a warm towel. Leave the dough to stand for 20 min.
Stuffing: mix the cheese with 4 eggs, melted butter and a little salt and mix until smooth.
Place the remaining dough on a table sprinkled with flour, roll it out as thin as possible and spread the filling, sprinkle with butter and fold. Cut the strudels along the edge of the plate and cook in salted water, put them in a greased cimplet, sprinkle with the rest of the butter and pour over the cream.
Bake in the oven for 30 minutes at 180° C until golden brown.
