Wednesday, Sambura Elephants Bed Room

Ciudad Obregón Wednesday

Neuilly-Plaisance Coffee at 5:30 am, then meet George for a 6:30 departure on a game drive. Breakfast is scheduled on our return around 9:30 am.

We were still on our cheetah search and on the way elephants, giraffe, gerutuck with their necks outstretched munching on leaves, antelopes engaged in a tussle for dominance, tawny eagles, and monkeys – that took over a tree stump by the river as their colony complete with babies. But no photo, they were on the wrong side of the Land Cruiser.

Back at the lodge, it was a breakfast buffet at the tables by the river. Obama, the resident elephant, took that opportunity to saunter by. So the guards herded us all up onto the deck for our own safety. Luckily, we were returned our breakfast was still there!

We returned to our tent to try out the plunge pool. Despite the heat or, maybe because of it, it felt pretty cold!

Our afternoon game drive failed to yield a cheetah sighting but we continued on the elephant, giraffe, gazelles, birds, etc.

We spotted an impala that had left her herd with a baby. George explained that impalas about to give birth separate from the herd, have their baby, then return to the herd. Mom was looking around and sniffing the air, searching for their herd. During this time away from herd both mother and baby are vulnerable. The baby can keep up with its mother within minutes after being born.

We saw a male ostrich doing his dance to attract a female. Once the dance was completed and the mating over, they went their separate ways.

George and Carmen, the manager of The Elephant’s Bedroom camp, had planned a surprise for us. George flew by camp and Glenn was getting alarmed, but soon we came upon a campfire, chairs, a portable bar, some snacks, park rangers and other guests and guides. We had a rum drink mixed for us and watched the sun set on our last evening in Samburu.

Dinner was delightful, as usual, and under the stars. George ate dinner with us as well. The next morning we could sleep in, breakfast at 7 am, leave at 8 am for the airstrip and a 9:40 flight to Maasai Mara.

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